Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shopaholic takes San Francisco

Hello! In an attempt to stop myself from buying that beautiful little pink dress that has been in Zappos cart for the past 3 hours, I decided I would start a blog! You see, I love to shop. I get such a rush from ordering new clothes or shoes and I really get a rush when I purchase something at the mall. It doesn't matter what it is, I just love buying. It could be something as simple as soap, but when I set my mind on that I have to have it, then I tend to go overboard. I don't just buy one type of soap. I have to buy 10. Then my mind wanders to body wash and shampoo, then to nailpolish, which leads to makeup, then to accessories, then to the mall to get a new pair of jeans that I HAVE TO HAVE RIGHT NOW! Next thing I know, my credit card has been charged $1,000 for a simple bar of soap.

So folks, that's why we are here now. Because I HAVE TO HAVE that pink dress but I can't. My husband will kill me. Before we were married, I could hide the shopping. I could pretend that I always had the dress or shoes or pants. Sure, he was a little suspicious and never really pushed the subject, but now he has VISBILITY into my bank accounts. Blasted joint accounts. One aspect of marriage I do not enjoy. However, my husband knows me well enough to know that we need joint accounts or we will soon end up on the street with nothing but fabulous clothes and shoes. Thus, I cannot buy the fabulous Betsy Johnson party dress. Even though I really need it. I have some type of party that I can wear it to, and as Rebecca Bloomwood (Shopaholic series by Shopie Kinsella) herself would say "then I will be the girl in the pink dress".

This is quite the conondrum.... This must be how addicts feel. My husband once told me that when I hear the word "mall" or "shopping" my pupils dialate and I get all excited and jittery. I can't help it! Who wouldn't get excited with the aspect of all those shops and clothes just waiting to be purchased by ME? I mean a new pair of crisp, dark, sparkle pocket 7's is my HEAVEN.

As I am writing this, I keep clicking back over to Zappos. I think I'm just going to go ahead and purchase that fabulous dress. It's calling my name! As the saying goes, "it's better to ask for forgiveness later".

Talk to you all soon!!!!!

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